How do you keep an organisation running smoothly while simultaneously navigating transformational change? This challenge is often compared to fixing a car while driving it – The Change Challenge: Fixing the Car while Driving it
From my experience of supporting complex change in major organisations one technique stands out from the rest. It’s called ‘Winter Rules’.
Winter Rules in Organisational Change
In the game of golf, Winter Rules are a set of temporary local rules that are implemented by golf courses during the winter months when the ground may be wet or frozen. They are designed to make the game more playable and enjoyable during challenging weather conditions.
In the case of organisational change, Winter Rules are a set of temporary rules designed to create time and space for managers to carry out tasks such as:
- Communicating the vision and strategy for the change effectively.
- Addressing employee concerns and resistance proactively.
- Building consensus and support for the initiative.
- Resolving conflicts and manage the emotional impact of change on employees.
So, what are these rules? Well, they depend on your organisation, but in essence they remove non-essential tasks and distractions while new systems and approaches are being introduced.
Some examples of such temporary rules
- Reducing or eliminating requirements to produce management reports
- Postponing internal audits
- Fast-tracking approval processes
- Increasing Manager autonomy and decision-making authority
- Cancelling non-essential meetings
- Loosening rigid procedures, such as procurement rules
- Postponing any proposed new initiatives
- Boosting help from support functions such as HR and Finance
- Allowing managers to ring-fence time dedicated to leading the change
- Greater support and coaching from senior management.
The period of transition to new ways of working is often characterised by uncertainty, resistance, and a high need for strong leadership. There are many ways to support managers through this important process, but from my experience Winter Rules are the best place to start.
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