The effects of uncertainty are familiar to us all. We only need to recall the feelings induced by waiting for exam results or living through Covid lockdowns. Few of us would be surprised by scientific research* that has proven the link between uncertainty and increased anxiety, confusion, frustration, and sadness, helping to make it a key cause of resistance to change. So how do we lead through uncertainty?
Uncertainty is driven by Perceived Risk, Ambiguity, and Mistrust. Risk refers to the chances of an adverse outcome, like failing an exam. Ambiguity arises in complex scenarios, such as major organisational change, where outcomes are hard to predict. Mistrust has a multiplier effect on both.
Effective approaches for combating uncertainty are less well researched or definitive. However, based on existing research and evidence drawn from major transformational changes, here are 12 leadership strategies for how to lead through uncertainty that work in practice.
Build Trust, Reduce Ambiguity and Perceived Risk
- Leadership Role Models: Leaders act as both advocates and exemplars of change.
- Change Champions: Involve well known, well-respected employees to help shape and implement change.
- Transparency / Honesty: Communicate the downsides of change as well as the benefits and be open about not having all the answers.
- Link Change to Values: Illustrate how the change supports your organisation’s Values.
- Normalise Uncertainty: Lean into uncertainty as a normal part of change and help people avoid the trap of knee-jerk negative responses.
- Continuous Communication: A campaign of communication spanning all phases of transition is vital to suppressing uncertainty.
- Pilot the Change: Demonstrate success by trying out change in one part of your organisation.
- Clear Purpose for Change: Help people envisage the destination before asking them to embark on a challenging journey.
- Clear Plan: No plan is perfect but an idea of what will happen when and how builds confidence.
- Focus on what’s Unchanged: Focusing people on the things that will remain unaffected despite the change provides a sense of constancy.
- Success Stories: Lock in change by advertising early successes that boost confidence and prevent reversion to old ways of working.
- Training new Skills/Behaviours: Training and on-the-job coaching help eliminate fear of failure.
Certainty is one of ‘The 5 Forces of Change’. See