Sparking motivation for change needs a ‘Push and Pull’ approach: highlighting the urgency of leaving the present (the ‘Push’ of a burning platform) and painting a desirable future (the ‘Pull’ of a vision for change). Here’s how to combine them:
Ignite the Urgency
- Explore, Don’t Tell: Don’t just list problems. Instead, get people to explore (through dialogue discussions) data, stories, and even simulations so they identify for themselves the negative consequences of staying put. Make the impact personal and relatable. Are jobs at risk? Is customer satisfaction plummeting?
Bridge the Gap
- Don’t Dwell on Negativity: Acknowledge the urgency, but transition quickly to the positive possibilities for change.
- Highlight Existing Strengths: Remind people of past successes or current strengths that can be leveraged to navigate the change. This builds confidence and fosters a sense of agency.
Craft a Compelling Vision
- Collaborate to Paint a Vivid Picture: Gather input from across your organisation to describe the future state in detail. Use clear, evocative language to bring the vision to life.
- Focus on Benefits: Don’t just describe the future; give people opportunities to explore the benefits for all stakeholders from customers to employees.
Spark Action
- Break it Down: Outline a clear roadmap with achievable milestones. This creates a sense of progress and sparks motivation.
- Empower and Equip: Provide the resources and training needed for success.
By combining the urgency of the burning platform with the excitement of a desirable vision of the future, you create a powerful motivator for change, fuelling action.
For more on creating a sense of purpose for change see
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Fuelling Action – Burning platform meets vision. Another way to think of this is that creating a sense of purpose comprises three elements: Purpose = Big Picture Context (the ‘why’ of change) + Vision for Change + Benefits to all stakeholders.