The urgency of climate change action is undeniable. Yet, for many organisations, translating good intentions into impactful change remains a daunting task. Here are some key change principles to help you on your way to achieving Net Zero at work.
Give People Control
It is tempting for leaders to ‘tell’ people about the dangers of climate change and to persuade them to ‘mend their ways’. But if you want people to take ownership for change then it’s best to let them take the lead. That way you can tap into people’s energy and ingenuity boosting the likelihood of success. That being said, people still need to see leaders rolling up their sleeves and acting as role models for the change.
Create a Sense of Purpose
Provide opportunities for people to explore the scientific evidence behind climate change, motivating and equipping them to create a Vision that challenges and inspires action. As M&S once put it: Plan A: Carbon Neutral by 2012 (because there is no Plan B). See Al Gore’s Ted Talk for inspiration:
Build Certainty
Many employees struggle to connect their day-to-day work with broader environmental goals. A great starting point for closing this gap is to work together to quantify the impact of achieving Net Zero within your organisation and your industry as a whole. This will provide a stepping off point for identifying solutions and creating a plan of action.
Build New Connections
Letting go of emotional attachments to old habits and replacing them with new ones takes time and can be a key stumbling block. Avoiding this potential barrier begins with a collective recognition of what people will have to give up as part of the transition process as well as how they might benefit, and what will remain the same. Ceremonial acts marking the end of the ‘old world’ and the start of the ‘new world’ help with the psychological process of taking an irrevocable step forward e.g. ceremonial disposal of all single-use plastic items.
Lock-in Success
Finally, lock-in the change by creating a ‘new normal’. Empower employees to succeed by providing them with the resources and training they need to comply with new ways of doing things. Make it ok for people to stumble along the way but unacceptable not to have a go. Realign your KPIs and reward systems to underpin change. Lastly, remember that nothing succeeds like success so don’t forget to keep score and to trumpet early wins using all communication channels at your disposal.
How can organisations navigate the challenges of implementing effective climate change action?
See for more details on successful organisational change.
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